Why Would a Business Need Managed Antivirus?

Cyberattacks are becoming more frequent and advanced. To remain safe, businesses must adapt continuously to mitigate the risks of a constantly changing digital environment.

This can take a lot of time and effort, as well as divert attention away from businesses’ core operations. Almost all businesses are required to comply with some form of regulatory guidelines for cybersecurity (for more on this see our compliance service). Partnering with Resolute allows businesses to relieve themselves of these pressures with managed Antivirus Services tailored to your business needs and specific configurations, to ensure it is always the right fit.

Who Needs Antivirus & Anti-Ransomware?

Any organisation seeking robust protection against malware and advanced cyber threats can benefit significantly from AV and AR solutions. From small businesses to large enterprises, AV and AR software provide essential defense mechanisms against a vast array of malware.

Organisations handling sensitive data, such as financial institutions, healthcare providers, and government entities, rely on AV and AR to safeguard against data breaches and ransomware attacks, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

Additionally, businesses with remote or distributed workforces can mitigate the risk of endpoint infections by deploying AV and AR solutions across their network. Ultimately, organisations across all sectors should prioritise the implementation of AV and AR technologies.

Advantages of Managed Antivirus & Anti-Ransomware.

Minimal Time Investment

Eliminate the Risk of Improper Implementation

The Most Advanced Protection on the Market


Ransomware Protection

Speak to our professional team.

Why Resolute?

Partnering with Resolute doesn’t just mean you have Managed Antivirus; it means you have a team dedicated to protecting your organisation’s digital assets. Packaged with our antivirus products is our anti-ransomware protection software, which stops mass encryption in its tracks before it can cause substantial damage.

We understand that business owners and management often don’t have the time or specific expertise to research and implement the perfect antivirus product, which is why our team of cybersecurity experts do the research for you, picking out the best solution for your business, and fine-tuning its configuration to your needs, whatever they may be.

Your Cybersecurity Experts.

Let us be your trusted partner in safeguarding your business against cyber threats, so you can focus on achieving your strategic objectives and driving business success.

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